July 19, 2022
We don’t often ask this, but we’re asking you to take 5-10 minutes RIGHT NOW to call your three members of Congress (two Senators and one Rep) to identify yourself as a high net wealth constituent and ask that they include taxes on the ultra-rich in the current budget package.
Some more background (if you already know the situation, please feel free to skip to the call info at the bottom of this page):
Last week, Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia single-handedly killed the trillion-dollar investment and tax plan Democrats have been working on for months. The plan – a version of which had already passed the House last November – would have started to reverse 40 years of trickle-down tax breaks for the rich and corporations while raising money to make healthcare and utilities more affordable for average Americans and to accelerate the transition to a clean-energy economy.
Raising taxes on millionaires and their greedy corporations is hugely popular among voters despite dark-money groups like No Labels or dirty polluters pouring in millions in campaign contributions to stop Congress from making them pay what they owe. Manchin’s shocking flipflop on taxes shows their efforts are paying off.
And he’s not alone. Here’s a sample from just this month of Democrats sounding like Republicans on taxes:
Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT): “I don’t think raising taxes is a winner anywhere, OK?”
Rep. Susie Lee (D-NV): “I don’t think tax increases would be popular.”
Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ): “[I’m] not for any type of legislation that raises taxes.”
Democrats should NOT be protecting tax breaks and special loopholes for billionaires and CEOs; they need to be standing up for their constituents – working people. They need to know we are very unhappy that this historic opportunity to begin to unrig the tax system and use the revenue to create an economy that works for all of us has been stymied – for now.
Please use the tool below to call your U.S. senators TODAY and tell them to put the interests of working families ahead of their wealthy campaign donors.
Senator Manchin turned his back on an economic plan that would have invested in clean energy, made healthcare more affordable, and made the wealthy and corporations pay a fairer share of taxes. That legislation would have:
- Generated billions of dollars from millionaires and big corporations to invest in clean energy and more affordable healthcare for families.
- Ended expensive tax breaks that reward multinational corporations for shipping jobs offshore and stashing profits in tax havens.
- Required dozens of billion-dollar corporations – like Amazon, FedEx and Netflix – now paying little to no federal income taxes to pay at least a 15% minimum so they start paying taxes like the rest of us.
- Created a Millionaires Surcharge on the ultra-rich making more than $10 million a year.
- Closed a tax loophole on rich business owners like Donald Trump in order to fully fund Medicare for an extra three years.
Senators need to know WE are watching as wealthy special interests too often determine what gets done in Washington, and that we’re not going to stand for it. Please call your U.S. senators today.
Enter your phone number and zip code at the website below, or dial 1-888-894-6720, to connect to your senator now.*
Tell your congress people: “I am a high net wealth constituent of Senator XYZ. Please make sure the current budget package before Congress includes a Millionaires Surcharge on incomes over $10 million. Make sure corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes to make healthcare, childcare, housing and other basics affordable to working families.”